Vinca bank

During september we felt as if the hot tub area was not to the same standard as the rest of the garden, because of this we decided to create a new bed that brought the beautiful landscape and the garden together with a pop of colour. This also creates a more private and cut off feel to the hot tub area as it grows in.     

Fagus sylvatica hedge

(After the walnut tree next to the hot tub had to be removed due to it growing into the deck) unsure if you would like to include this. We felt as if the hot tub area needed a separate and cut off feel while still being able to incorporate the view of the hills and the rest of the garden, That is why we decided to install a Fagus sylvatica (beech) hedge. This first meant we had to dig out a trench and install the beech at a 45 degree angle so that over the next few years it will bind together forming a thick well formed hedge. We also mulched around the bases of this beech hedge to suppress the weeds and to provide the beech with nutronts.