During the course of summer there is a lot we have to do to keep the trees healthy. One important factor that often gets neglected is keeping the base free of weeds. This reduces competition for water and nutrients, improving growth rate by up to 100% over 3 years! 

We use organic feeds every six weeks. The soil of the south downs is relatively nutrient poor chalk. Whilst the species we have selected are suitable for the soil and the exposed environment, the feeding of the hungrier species ensures that they receive all of their required nutrients during their first few growing seasons. This, alongside heavy infrequent watering, allows for the development of deeper, stronger root systems ensuring that they not only survive, but thrive for years to come! 

We had a small infestation of social pear sawfly in the orchard. Instead of using harsh chemical treatments we simply jet washed them off the trees with the hose allowing the birds to eat them from the grass without risk of secondary poisoning.